Sooooo I'm in Seattle now and wanted to update with some of my last weeks happenings in Portland. Lydia made oysters and bacon, both from her families farms, SO GOOD. I drank all the bacon grease and I'm sure I lost a year of my life in that instance. Hung with Maggie and Nik theyre my fuckin homiiiiies! for real. Hung with all the cutters and had a great time every time. Nik, Ryan, Pat, and I went to a natural hot springs and relaxed in the middle of the forest. Gina and Dean had a BBQ and hot tub party that was so great and exactly what our travelling stomachs needed. Did some riding with Uphill Battle MAN THOSE DUDES ARE WILD. hahah. I fell in love with a stripper who stripped to Morrissey. Got to hang with THE Zach Evans and watched a larping documentary and ate food his lovely girlfriend Emily made. I had a great time and here are some pics.
Uphill Battle.
Nik's Maxi